Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Legend of My Love of Zelda.

I posted this originally on my personal blog, but since it's total geekdom I thought I'd post it here as well. Enjoy.

So Hez made the mistake last night of bringing up the topic of Zelda. This made me launch into a multiple-text-long conversation explaining how many games there were, which systems they were available for and which I deemed "necessary".
To which she called me her, "little nerd".

So I thought I'd post here, about the game I've been in love with for more than 10 years, and even had a Legend of Zelda themed birthday party for my 13th birthday. There are 23 different Zelda games in all. Now I will admit that I have not played all of them, but I will post them in chronological order anyway. I'm leaving out the more obscure games, like the ones only released in Japan and such. I'm also leaving out the Gameboy only games, because I never owned a gameboy much to my dismay. So, here goes:

Original NES:

1. Legend of Zelda (1986.... great year.)

2. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (1988)

For such a huge Zelda fan, I am ashamed to admit I have actually NEVER played either of these. I did have an original Nintendo growing up, but I spent my time playing games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Super Mario Bros. 3 on that. I also had the original duck hunt/track combination game - complete with the handheld gun and running mat for track. Excellent.
By the time I discovered Zelda, sadly, my NES was no longer in working order. I have never owned an original Nintendo again, much to my dismay, but maybe I can redeem myself by stating that I do have the original golden cartridge version of Adventure of Link sitting on my video game shelf. Even if I have no system to play it on. (And even if it was a friend's game I borrowed about a few years ago.)

Super Nintendo (SNES):

3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past (1992)

This game is not my arch enemy of Zelda games (I will get to that in the next decade), however - I have immensly bad luck with it. I never owned a Super Nintendo as a kid, I only ever played my cousin's on rare occasions. It wasn't until I was 19 that I first played this game, at a friends house. We would have get togethers specifically to play this game and we got all the way to the fire temple, I believe it was. We got stuck on the boss for that level and spent months trying to beat it, until we gave up. When I then later became roommates with said friend, about half a year later, I decided to try again one sunny afternoon - I beat the monster and did a victory cheer/dance. I saved, ran to tell my roommate excitedly.. and when we turned it back on, the game had glitched and erased all saved games.
It took me another few months to work up the motivation to try to play it again. I got all the way to the same level, beat it easily, got a little bit further... and sure enough, the exact same thing happened all over again.
I have never tried to play A Link to the Past again, and I no longer have access to a SNES. I enjoyed the game itself, and would one day like to attempt to play it the whole way through, but we shall see.....

Nintendo 64:

4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

5. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (2000)

Ocarina of Time is the one that started it all for me. I rented this game on a whim, at I think 11-years-old... and from there, I was addicted. I have beat this game so many times and it still remains exciting to me, I still get really into the boss battles and still almost cry at the end. The story is the best of them all I think, creativity wise. The bosses provide the most challenge. The characters still make me feel for them. Despite the graphics, it will always remain my favorite. And why I had this as a poster on my wall for my entire pre-teen and high school career (and even when I first moved out, tattered though it was - I kept it up on my wall):

Majora's Mask I have never beaten. If you've played the game, you'll know why it's so difficult. If you haven't... well, to explain - it's timed. You have three days (game time.. every minute here is an hour there, I think?) to complete the entire game and if there's a clock ticking the whole time. If you don't, you fail. So you get the ability to turn back time, but every time you turn back time - it erases what you did. It's... confusing. Hence why I've never beaten it, even with the strategy guide. And yet, I don't hate it. I've just never fully taken the time to sit down and make myself go through it, tedious though it may be.


6. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (2002)

7. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (2004)

Wind Waker..... THAT is my arch enemy of Zelda games.
I started playing this game exactly two years ago. I still have not beaten it. It's gotten to the point where I am only determined to beat it just to spite it, other wise... I would have given up on it long ago. For some reason I just really struggle with this.
The hardest part about this game is that when you put it down for too long... and forget what you were doing in it.... you're screwed. Because it does not tell you what to do next. You just have to remember... or, as I've experienced... process of elimination by spending hours traveling to previous islands to try and remember what your quest was, so that by the time you even remember - you don't want to play anymore! ANNOYING.
The one good thing about it is that it does have cool plot ideas, and I fashioned some good friendships over making people play it with me (usually until 5 in the morning and our eyes started to bleed and nothing we said made sense anymore.) In fact, Sean and I played it often when we first started dating and it is his insisting that the ending is worth it is one of the reasons I've yet to give up. However, I want to punch it in the video game face everytime I pick up the controller again. One day, Wind Waker... one day I shall best you...

Four Swords I have never played, so it has escaped my wrath and my review. However, it is next on my list of games to buy.

Of course, there's also Twilight Princess for Gamecube but that's going under......


8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006)

Oh, Twilight Princess.... how I love thee. I only played parts of the Wii version, the Gamecube is the version I own and played fully.

Twilight Princess is definitely the prettiest of the games, art wise. I certainly adored it and distinctly remember locking myself in my room for a week in order to finish it in time over Christmas break, and I loved the ending. This is my favorite depiction of Princess Zelda herself of all the games. However, I stand by the fact that I feel like the entire plot (minus the Twilight World stuff) was pretty much just a newer rendition of Ocarina of Time. Granted, all the Zelda games maintain the same theme and usually the same levels, just different variations of them, this I felt was just an updated version of Ocarina with a few extra tweaks.
That being said, it's my 2nd favorite. I've played this multiple times over as well and even if I find the boss fights to be too easy, I get super excited over the story and the fact that there are three main characters in this game - Zelda, Link and ..... Midna:

Nintendo DS:

9. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (2007)

I purchased a DS for Sean's birthday just last month, and this was one of the first games I bought. The only game I've played since we got it, actually. It was good.... I think the fact that it was on the DS - my first DS game - made it more exciting to get to draw things to make the game work (and the more embarrassing moments of having to yell things into the microphone to progress in the game). I think I was missing part of the story itself, being that I never beat Wind Waker and this is the continuation.... but I figured most of it out. Pretty short game, compared to all the other Zelda's. However.... I still like riding Link's horse better than sailing on a boat, but maybe that's just me.

So there you have it. The history of Zelda, according to me. More than you probably ever cared to know about it. I am more obsessed than most people know. I have two Zelda posters, multiple strategy guides, I've already mentioned the birthday party... I usually wear my triforce necklace daily, I have about 7 different Zelda shirts, my mom made me a Princess Zelda costume for Christmas and my brother made me a wooden shield and Master Sword for Christmas as well. I've done fan art for Zelda:

... and I'm pretty sure my next tattoo will be a triforce.

I can't forget to mention that Link was essentially the second love of my life (after Johnny Depp... he got first place, because I saw Edward Scissorhands way before I played my first Zelda game)... I could post a million pictures, because I adore the art of every single Zelda game. But I will end on this adorable note:

- Fae

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