Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Got to have Fae

Sarah wanted me to draw her as a character, so here it is...


Monday, March 30, 2009

Wii have a new roommate.

This weekend was eventful.

Friday night, my Batman phone broke. But that's not the eventful part. That was just annoying.

The real event was Sean and I helped Megan move out, and then turned around Saturday morning and helped Billy move in. Well, Sean helped. I worked all morning and got home around 12:45 and the mass majority of Billy's stuff had already been moved in. Then we spent the remainder of the afternoon unpacking and moving things around.

Billy brought all new living room furniture with him, so that's the most exciting part - the living room looks really great now. So I took some pictures and thought I'd post them up here:

Here's our new furniture:

The whole living room:

The fireplace/entertainment center (and the Zelda shield and sword my brother made me for Christmas):

My baby (complete with framed Johnny Depp above it and Amanda Palmer sheet music):

And here's the kitchen, which is connected to the living room:

So, I'd like to add as a final note that with Billy now moved in we have:

4 XBOX's
4 computers
3 HD TV's, 1 average TV
2 Playstation 3's
1 Gamecube
1 Super Nintendo
1 N64

And as of last night....

1 Wii.

Oh, and I bought Sean a DS for his birthday (early present), which I was just playing Zelda on but paused to write this post. Whew.

- Fae

Friday, March 27, 2009

Its What I Do...

After reading Sarah's post of how I was entertaining her with my humorous "tired talk" you might be wondering, what makes Sean so tired?

Having been working 10 hour days for the last 3 weeks, which by the way last until May 15th, I thought that I might take the time to give a sample of what I do during those strenuous work days.....Plus I have been at work for 8 hours and I need something to do during the last 2.

I am a Game Artist at a game company outside Pittsburgh, where my day to day duties consist of Conceptual Drawing, 3D modeling characters, level assets, etc.

Here is a example of a character being designed start to finish.

-First I start with a rough drawing of the character in model sheet form (all done digitally).
-I then ink the character.-Pick a color scheme and finalize the concept.-The concept is them modeled in a 3D application.

-The model is then unwrapped and textured.

-The 2d texture is applied to the 3d model.

-Finally, the model is then rigged by animators and imported into the game engine.

Its a lot of work, but I love my job. It beats working in a factory, waiting tables, or selling fucking TVs to assholes all day.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

My little potato.

I'm going to embarrass Sean with this post, but I think it's cute.

Last night, he had me laughing so hard. He was extremely tired around 11 and more than half asleep lying in bed on his stomach, and everything he said to me he kept elongating. He added like five vowels for each word. I personally thought it was hilarious and made fun of him for it. To which he responded, "Stoooooppp.." in a monotone, slow voice. I laughed more and imitated him. "Shuuutt uuuuupp..." More laughter. "Oooh myyy goooodd.." "Noooooo.."

His objections just made me laugh more. I cried and even drooled a little. But this is why he's great - because he makes me laugh and still loves me when I drool on him.

This morning, I guess he sort of got me back. Sometime around 6:30 AM he woke up and woke me up in the process, and from then until 8 AM I experienced what I imagine sleeping with a little kid in your bed might be. He twitched his feet, bobbed his head, rolled around and around. He rambled to me. I think he was playing some game of poking my feet with his toes. Obviously, I did not sleep much. After an hour and a half of that, he rolls over one more time, settles in, lets out a sigh, and goes, "I'm hungry."

I was cranky this morning, because I had to get up at 8, but in retrospect, I find it endearing.

To end this, there's this song my mom always used to sing to us kids that goes, "You're my little potato!" Recently, I've been wandering around singing it to Sean because it's a catchy tune. He says I'm being disrespectful towards Irish, even though I'm Irish too. So, at work yesterday, I drew a picture of Sean as a potato:

- Fae

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

Just heard this was being made into a movie acouple days ago and was able to find a trailer. It is really awesome this book is being made into a movie. I can still remember my mum reading it to me when I was like five.


Sean may have his WoW.... but I have my Oblivion!

Avalon the elf is back in action.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cleaning, part 2.

So because Billy is moving in this weekend, I felt some cleaning and re-organizing was in order today.

I've had random piles of my stuff lingering in the hallway since I moved back in November (eep...), and a million boxes of stuff underneath Dan's bed ever since he moved in in February.(His room used to previously be my storage room.. and when he moved in, things kind of got left over, under the bed.)

We're seriously lacking in storage space. And I'm a pack rat. As obvious by the fact that today I opened one of my small shoe boxes that had been hiding under Dan's bed, to find all it had in it were some cassette tapes of radioshows my sister and I recorded in my Dad's music studio when we were young, a pineapple shaped (and scented) candle from Hez and a mint case that looked like this:

Why, oh why, did these require their own box..? I have no idea.

Anyway, so I tore apart the living room closet, pulled everything out from under Dan's bed and from the hallway - and the living room was a mess. Then, I worked my magic and put everything back into that closet completely re-organized. It looks beautiful now. It was kind of anti-climactic to shut the closet door though after an hour and a half and turn around to see that the entire living room looked exactly as it had before I began cleaning.

However, I just want to add that I have never in all my life seen a house with so many extra pillows, sheets and blankets. I counted at least 6 pillows when I was putting away things in the closet, and I know there's more elsewhere in this apartment. Apparently the Kennedy's like to be prepared. So we are SET if anyone wants to come over and have a gigantic slumber party someday..... bring your own curlers and popcorn.

The finished result:

There's two layers to that. I am a Tetris master.

- Fae

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Is it possible to be allergic to horseradish, or horseradish intolerant?

I think I might be.I had a really bad run in with horseradish when I was younger, that involved me not knowing what an opened jar of it on the counter was - so I held it up real close to my nose and breathed in real deep..... and had the very similar reaction of what I imagine snorting jalapenos would be like.

So to this day, I cannot eat horseradish. It makes my nose burn, eyes water and stomach turn with the memory.

I got a bagel sandwhich from GetGo today. One of those build your own deals, but I selected the pre-made basic club trio bagel and built it from there. I selected MAYO on it. MAYO. But when I got home and settled into watch Camp Rock (which is a whole other blog post in itself... I swear, there's an explanation as to why I even rented that movie), I bit into my sandwhich and there was most definitely, absolutely horseradish on it. Not mayonnaise.

I guess if you're a n00b, you may not know the difference between horseradish and mayonnaise. But if you're working in a restaurant - even a GetGo - PLEASE learn the difference in appearance because there is a huge difference in flavor. Some people have been traumatized by horseradish in their past.

Ever since I ate that sandwhich, my head has been hurting and my stomach has been upset. The horseradish ruined my sandwhich, my night and possibly my experience of Camp Rock (but again - that was a category of its own that could also possibly be the cause of my illness right now).

What does this have to do with Sean and I....?

.... He ate the rest of the sandwhich for me.

- Fae
Yes..... I was playing WoW as in World of Warcraft. Hahaha, make fun of me all you want. Go and download the 10 day free trail and witness the addiction take hold!

For all you addicts who already have a account I play:

Level 26 Night Elf / Hunter
Baelgum realm

I love Sarah and i am glad that she has already started her training in the art of house wife.........Just Kidding, let the women hate mail being.


The weekend.

I'm cleaning the house.... and Sean is playing WoW.

(Yes, I just made this public.)

It's okay. I still love him. Man.

- Fae

I Love You, Man.

I Love You, Man

Fae says: This movie was hilarious. It wasn't trying too hard, it was just genuinely funny. And awesomely awkward. I loved the awkwardness, especially. It wasn't over-the-top, Michael Scott kind of awkward that can sometimes make you feel uncomfortable. It was more endearing awkward that kind of made me feel better about my own awkward day-to-day interactions. It also made me realize that I'm severely lacking in friends, but at the same time grateful I have a lot of sisters to fill up the bridal party in my wedding someday so that I don't have to go on a wild hunt for a woman-date. I was kind of sad when this movie ended, because I was laughing so much. I'd definitely watch it again. I give it... stars. Lots of stars. Star, star.

Sean says: The movie was very funny. I wasn't expecting it to be as funny as it was. It had alittle something for everyone. Also, seemed to present situations everyone can relate with, personally, the making up of words trying to fit in and sound cool I can relate with totally. Paul Rudd bring a new type of awkward comedy to the screen that doesn't piss me off like Steve Carrell.
Also, there is a part in the movie I am not going to ruin, but it had me laughing for a couple minutes after the scene was over causing everyone in the theater to look at me. Hilarious!
Go see the movie with a mate and you should have a good time.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The beginning.

So, Sean and I have been saying for awhile now that we want to start a blog together.

Usually we're driving in the car and having a strange conversation that ends with, "We love our conversations. Let's make them public." Followed by, "What would we name our blog?" And that's as far as we've gotten for the past however many months.

But here we are!
So, this will be insight into what goes on in our relationship. I say we'll be updating with fun information, Sean says we'll be using this to blow off steam. Apparently he foresees problems. Basically, any useless information we feel like sharing - we'll be putting up here.

If Sean is in the kitchen singing to the sandwhich he's making and I'm trying to watch TV - you'll hear about it. If we found a really awesome movie, we'll post our review on it. We'll also be uploading photos and other random shit. Etc, etc, so on and so forth.

So, enjoy!

P.S. Fae will be writing most of this because she types a hell of a lot faster, while Sean lies in the bed a few feet to her right and shouts out random sentences.

- Fae