Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tattoo fever.

Sean and I got into an interesting discussion today.

Hez sent me this amazingly awesome tattoo website, (which I believe can be credited back to Court) where all the tattoos are literary based. It gave me the tattoo fever and I am craving a new tattoo.

I have two tattoos. One on my hip that I got in April of 2007:

The other on my wrist, in February of 2008 with my Hezabelle:

Inspired by that website that I was looking at, Hez and I got into this discussion about particular tattoos... which I then carried over to a neighboring IM, to discuss with Sean. Some of those tattoos on that website absolutely inspired me, so I told Sean that I wanted another tattoo - most likely something scripted from one of my favorite pieces of literature.

Sean says he doesn't hate tattoos, but every time we have this conversation - he tries to talk me out of it. He says he admires the artistry and design of tattoos, but thinks that if I like something that much - I should just paint it on a canvas instead of having it permanently branded on my body.

Now, I wouldn't just get any old tattoo - but at the same time - I adore tattoos and what they stand for. They inspire me. I agree that there are absolutely horrid tattoos out there, but I like to think that I have good taste in tattoos. My reasoning behind tattoos is that they have to absolutely mean something to me (I'm also very picky about the placement, but that's just my OCD).

For example, the two tattoos I currently have both have huge meaning behind them to me. They're both inspired by songs (one from a movie), and right now - I still melt every time I hear either of the songs. But at the same time, there's a world of meaning behind each tattoo on why I got it, that goes beyond the songs.

Yes, "Imagine" is a beautiful song by John Lennon - but it was also a testimony to my best friend (we got matching tattoos - same word, different font). There's meaning behind why I got it on my wrist and why I got it on my left wrist, that is personal. But I will always be an imaginative dreamer. The tattoo on my hip stands for the idea of true love and the theory that we each have a "other half" that completes us. It's two half faces that when put together form a full circle. "The Origin of Love" is the song that it comes from, and that song comes from a movie. I could end up hating that movie, or either of those songs - but I will always love what each tattoo stands for to me (love and creativity), and that's not going to change.

Which is why I will only get tattoos that have that sort of meaning to me. I have always wanted to get the Triforce tattooed on me, but I go back and forth on it because while I do love Zelda and have for ten years now - there's not much other meaning behind it than that, haha.

So Sean's questions are, why do I have to get something tattooed? Does it make it any more meaningful to see it on my body every day? Will it inspire me, will it make me sad, will it make me happy (depending on the meaning behind it)?

[Tasteful] tattoos, to me, are inspiring and do make a difference. I can appreciate what Sean says, on painting on a canvas instead to admire on a wall, but I also think there is an entirely different artistic level to using your body as the canvas. So, I for one, will absolutely get more tattoos!

So what do you, oh readers, think on this matter? Do you believe art belongs on the body or the wall? SHARE YOUR TATTOOS!!!

Here's a few tattoos I'm considering:

"What we have here is a dreamer." - The Virgin Suicides, Jeffrey Eugenides (Favorite book)

"Infinite." - The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky (on my right wrist)

"And the ones whose stories are over." - Wicked, Gregory Maguire

"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt thou the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt that I love."
- Hamlet

But the one I'm most likely to get next will be a quote from Romeo and Juliet (favorite play), coupled with the heart symbol from Baz Lurhmann's version of the movie (my favorite movie of all time):

Because again - I'm a sap. I'll always believe in true love, even if it is star crossed and ends in double suicide. It's so much better than that fluffy duffy love anyway.

- Fae

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Birfday, part 2.

After dinner last night (at which our waiter looked and talked like Adam Lambert, mmmm), we came back here and played an endless amount of Wii, that went something like this:

Sean reigned supreme in tennis and neither Billy or I could break his winning streak.
Sean reigned supreme at baseball.
Sean reigned supreme in golf.
Sean did NOT reign supreme in boxing, but we did tie.
Billy flew by us in bowling, and I, well....I took pictures that they won't let me post.

However this photo had to go up because it was a pretty hilarious action shot:

- Fae

Thursday, April 9, 2009



Today is Sean's birthday. I have no idea what we're doing tonight - but tomorrow night we are going to Claddagh for some eats and drinks with Billy, because no one has to work Saturday!

Let's compare the past and present. This day a year ago, Sean and I weren't dating - however, I did have a huge (non-secret) crush on him. I spent the morning of his birthday last year feeling nervous because I'd made him a Batman birthday card and burned him a DVD. I dropped it off outside his apartment (now my apartment!) and went to work.

All day at work, I was freaking myself out. I get really nervous, and I thought too hard about it. I regretted putting the gift outside his house, thinking he'd think it was stupid. I wondered if I could beat him home before work, and take it back. (I really do think too much about things sometimes.)

I didn't beat him home. He got it, and he loved it.

This year, he had a half day at work. I spent the morning making him another card and excitedly awaiting his return from work. I love being at home with him. It's just funny to look back and realize that a year ago today, I was just a girl with a crush. Who liked Batman as much as him.

Now I just need to get him to actually let me take pictures of him.


- Fae

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Which Way To Pittsburgh...

My little vacation to Florida is about to end and I already find myself wanting to get out of here. Don't get me wrong, I am glad I came and the weather and festivities were great but I can't wait to get back to the colder, darker setting of Pittsburgh.

All was fun, yet I always had this slight feeling that I was missing something. Clothes, check, toothbrush, check, tickets and money, check. The whole time one thing was missing, and that was my Fae. All these interesting things I was experiencing I never received total fulfillment from because I left my number two back home. Never Again. For now on I will try to keep my Fae wherever I need to go.

Ta gra agam ort,


AIM Convos.

I just had to post this amusing conversation I had via AIM with my best friend, Hez:

KonfusedFae: I blame Vista.
KonfusedFae: I think that's what is making it spaz.
canadianstrings: weird.
canadianstrings: I hate vista
KonfusedFae: Me too, but Sean likes it.
KonfusedFae: Ew.
canadianstrings: Ew, indeed
canadianstrings: I feel like that might be a deal breaker.
canadianstrings: hahaha
KonfusedFae: haha
canadianstrings: Or maybe it's a good thing.. it means he can deal with and even love things that are really annoying!
canadianstrings: Not that you're really annoying.
KonfusedFae: Hahaha
KonfusedFae: Wow. Thanks.
canadianstrings: But if you were.
KonfusedFae: Words of a best friend.
KonfusedFae: hahahaha
canadianstrings: hahaha
canadianstrings: Well, I mean... in your annoying moments.
canadianstrings: Which we all have.
KonfusedFae: keep talking.
canadianstrings: Me more than most.
canadianstrings: You less than me!
KonfusedFae: Thankfully for you, I can deal with and even love things that are insulting.
KonfusedFae: hahaha
canadianstrings: You are less annoying than me!
canadianstrings: hahahaha

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Signs you miss your boyfriend:

You're home alone on a Saturday night. You're cuddling with your pillow on a couch with all the lights off; eating an Oreo milkshake while wearing your PJ pants, his hoodie and watching Made of Honor.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gone, baby, gone.

My baby's gone to Florida with his family.

I am slightly pathetic, but I can't sleep when he's not here. So I will have to tough it through the weekend without him. <3

- Fae

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This socks.

I just spent the morning doing a buttload of laundry (I swear, according to this blog, all I do is clean - but that's not true! I also play lots of Zelda.) and I was just folding and seperating mine and Sean's laundry.

It came down to the socks, my least favorite thing to do. And I don't understand male socks. Let me show you, in photograph form, the difference between mine and Sean's socks:

My socks:

Sean's socks:

There is no way to get confused about how to pair together my socks. Sean's socks, on the other hand? There is no way I'm attempting to pair those. I'll just leave them for him when he gets home.

- Fae