Sunday, April 5, 2009

AIM Convos.

I just had to post this amusing conversation I had via AIM with my best friend, Hez:

KonfusedFae: I blame Vista.
KonfusedFae: I think that's what is making it spaz.
canadianstrings: weird.
canadianstrings: I hate vista
KonfusedFae: Me too, but Sean likes it.
KonfusedFae: Ew.
canadianstrings: Ew, indeed
canadianstrings: I feel like that might be a deal breaker.
canadianstrings: hahaha
KonfusedFae: haha
canadianstrings: Or maybe it's a good thing.. it means he can deal with and even love things that are really annoying!
canadianstrings: Not that you're really annoying.
KonfusedFae: Hahaha
KonfusedFae: Wow. Thanks.
canadianstrings: But if you were.
KonfusedFae: Words of a best friend.
KonfusedFae: hahahaha
canadianstrings: hahaha
canadianstrings: Well, I mean... in your annoying moments.
canadianstrings: Which we all have.
KonfusedFae: keep talking.
canadianstrings: Me more than most.
canadianstrings: You less than me!
KonfusedFae: Thankfully for you, I can deal with and even love things that are insulting.
KonfusedFae: hahaha
canadianstrings: You are less annoying than me!
canadianstrings: hahahaha

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And Hez digs herself a hole.