Sunday, March 22, 2009


Is it possible to be allergic to horseradish, or horseradish intolerant?

I think I might be.I had a really bad run in with horseradish when I was younger, that involved me not knowing what an opened jar of it on the counter was - so I held it up real close to my nose and breathed in real deep..... and had the very similar reaction of what I imagine snorting jalapenos would be like.

So to this day, I cannot eat horseradish. It makes my nose burn, eyes water and stomach turn with the memory.

I got a bagel sandwhich from GetGo today. One of those build your own deals, but I selected the pre-made basic club trio bagel and built it from there. I selected MAYO on it. MAYO. But when I got home and settled into watch Camp Rock (which is a whole other blog post in itself... I swear, there's an explanation as to why I even rented that movie), I bit into my sandwhich and there was most definitely, absolutely horseradish on it. Not mayonnaise.

I guess if you're a n00b, you may not know the difference between horseradish and mayonnaise. But if you're working in a restaurant - even a GetGo - PLEASE learn the difference in appearance because there is a huge difference in flavor. Some people have been traumatized by horseradish in their past.

Ever since I ate that sandwhich, my head has been hurting and my stomach has been upset. The horseradish ruined my sandwhich, my night and possibly my experience of Camp Rock (but again - that was a category of its own that could also possibly be the cause of my illness right now).

What does this have to do with Sean and I....?

.... He ate the rest of the sandwhich for me.

- Fae


Unknown said...

Pscht. Movie snobbery. Camp Rock is AWESOME.

(btw, it's really weird that I have to pass some sort of reading test to comment on this blog...)

dave said...

Haha, wow...I laughed a lot. Nice story...And I happen to think horseradish sauce is completely delicious! I wanna just slam my fingers into a jar and immediately back into my nostrils-And inhale it like a vacuum, ooo ooo, and then I want to pour it all over my eyes..that's how much I love it.
Seriously though, I do kinda like it....a lot!