Monday, March 30, 2009

Wii have a new roommate.

This weekend was eventful.

Friday night, my Batman phone broke. But that's not the eventful part. That was just annoying.

The real event was Sean and I helped Megan move out, and then turned around Saturday morning and helped Billy move in. Well, Sean helped. I worked all morning and got home around 12:45 and the mass majority of Billy's stuff had already been moved in. Then we spent the remainder of the afternoon unpacking and moving things around.

Billy brought all new living room furniture with him, so that's the most exciting part - the living room looks really great now. So I took some pictures and thought I'd post them up here:

Here's our new furniture:

The whole living room:

The fireplace/entertainment center (and the Zelda shield and sword my brother made me for Christmas):

My baby (complete with framed Johnny Depp above it and Amanda Palmer sheet music):

And here's the kitchen, which is connected to the living room:

So, I'd like to add as a final note that with Billy now moved in we have:

4 XBOX's
4 computers
3 HD TV's, 1 average TV
2 Playstation 3's
1 Gamecube
1 Super Nintendo
1 N64

And as of last night....

1 Wii.

Oh, and I bought Sean a DS for his birthday (early present), which I was just playing Zelda on but paused to write this post. Whew.

- Fae


Court said...

The exposed brick in your living room is gorgeous! I love your apartment. And all it's assorted video game consoles, haha.

Unknown said...

Beautiful apartment! Can't wait to see it in person!

Btw... really cheesy title, babe. hehehe

Rachael Slater said...

This place looks awesome!!
I love the piano/jamming corner! WOO! (MUSICALS ANYONE???)

You know what this place is missing though...????
Yep! A kitten would make this place complete.. and our pregnant cat can help you out with that!!!! By June (when the fam - AND SAR *hinthint* - come visit) they'll be weaned and ready for their NEW FAMILY!!