Thursday, March 26, 2009

My little potato.

I'm going to embarrass Sean with this post, but I think it's cute.

Last night, he had me laughing so hard. He was extremely tired around 11 and more than half asleep lying in bed on his stomach, and everything he said to me he kept elongating. He added like five vowels for each word. I personally thought it was hilarious and made fun of him for it. To which he responded, "Stoooooppp.." in a monotone, slow voice. I laughed more and imitated him. "Shuuutt uuuuupp..." More laughter. "Oooh myyy goooodd.." "Noooooo.."

His objections just made me laugh more. I cried and even drooled a little. But this is why he's great - because he makes me laugh and still loves me when I drool on him.

This morning, I guess he sort of got me back. Sometime around 6:30 AM he woke up and woke me up in the process, and from then until 8 AM I experienced what I imagine sleeping with a little kid in your bed might be. He twitched his feet, bobbed his head, rolled around and around. He rambled to me. I think he was playing some game of poking my feet with his toes. Obviously, I did not sleep much. After an hour and a half of that, he rolls over one more time, settles in, lets out a sigh, and goes, "I'm hungry."

I was cranky this morning, because I had to get up at 8, but in retrospect, I find it endearing.

To end this, there's this song my mom always used to sing to us kids that goes, "You're my little potato!" Recently, I've been wandering around singing it to Sean because it's a catchy tune. He says I'm being disrespectful towards Irish, even though I'm Irish too. So, at work yesterday, I drew a picture of Sean as a potato:

- Fae


Rachael Slater said...

I can totally picture this.

I should teach Sean to RUN AND JUMP ON YOU when the lights are out.... (it freaks her out EVERY TIME Sean!!!)

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