Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cleaning, part 2.

So because Billy is moving in this weekend, I felt some cleaning and re-organizing was in order today.

I've had random piles of my stuff lingering in the hallway since I moved back in November (eep...), and a million boxes of stuff underneath Dan's bed ever since he moved in in February.(His room used to previously be my storage room.. and when he moved in, things kind of got left over, under the bed.)

We're seriously lacking in storage space. And I'm a pack rat. As obvious by the fact that today I opened one of my small shoe boxes that had been hiding under Dan's bed, to find all it had in it were some cassette tapes of radioshows my sister and I recorded in my Dad's music studio when we were young, a pineapple shaped (and scented) candle from Hez and a mint case that looked like this:

Why, oh why, did these require their own box..? I have no idea.

Anyway, so I tore apart the living room closet, pulled everything out from under Dan's bed and from the hallway - and the living room was a mess. Then, I worked my magic and put everything back into that closet completely re-organized. It looks beautiful now. It was kind of anti-climactic to shut the closet door though after an hour and a half and turn around to see that the entire living room looked exactly as it had before I began cleaning.

However, I just want to add that I have never in all my life seen a house with so many extra pillows, sheets and blankets. I counted at least 6 pillows when I was putting away things in the closet, and I know there's more elsewhere in this apartment. Apparently the Kennedy's like to be prepared. So we are SET if anyone wants to come over and have a gigantic slumber party someday..... bring your own curlers and popcorn.

The finished result:

There's two layers to that. I am a Tetris master.

- Fae

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't need curlers and we both hate popcorn, but I'll bring turds and nerds.